Kahoot Event: St. Patrick’s Day

The Kahoot event will be held in the Cougar Den on Thursday, March 17th from 8 to 10pm.

By: Sarah Williams

If you were listening to Monday’s Chapel announcements, then you may have heard something about the Kahoot event that has spontaneously popped up. Here is some more information about the event.

The Kahoot event will be held in the Cougar Den on Thursday, March 17th from 8 to 10pm. The theme will be St. Patrick’s day. So, study up! The event is being set up by the Director of Events Caleb Kriesch, plus Bret Bentley and Riley Champion.

Kriesch said that spring break caused a problem with promotion. They didn’t have a lot of time to advertise the event beforehand. Despite the road bump, the event is well on its way. There will be pretzels, other snacks, and drinks provided.

Kriesch and the others wanted to create a fun and relaxing event, while celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.

This image was provided by Wikipedia.

Here are some trivia about St. Patrick’s Day from Britannica:

  • St Patrick’s day is a feast day.
  • It reached the United States with Irish Immigrants.
  • It was originally celebrated with religious feast and services.
  • It celebrated St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.
  • St. Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland.
  • Shamrocks were used to explain the Trinity.
This photo was provided by Wikipedia. Did you know that if you find a 4 leaf clover, it is likely there are more 4 leaf clovers in the same bush?

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